Wa : Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Hamm, NRW, Sport und Politik – wa.de

Wa.de open link

Wa.de Daily Stats
Daily Unique Visitors   Daily Unique Visitors 25
Daily Pageviews   Daily Pageviews 198
Daily Ads Revenue   Daily Ads Revenue $0
Wa.de Monthly Stats
Estimated Monthly Stats   Monthly Unique Visitors 732
Monthly Pageviews   Monthly Pageviews 5,847
Monthly Ads Revenue   Monthly Ads Revenue $6
Wa.de Yearly Stats
Yearly Unique Visitors   Yearly Unique Visitors 9,048
Yearly Pageviews   Yearly Pageviews 72,318
yearly Ads Revenue   Yearly Ads Revenue $72

Wa.de or simply wa receives roughly 198 pageviews (page impressions) daily from it's 25 unique daily visitor. Wa was registered and it's hosted on the IP Address in Hesse, Germany. It has an estimated worth of $15 and a global Alexa rank of 6,515,012.

Updated 2 weeks ago

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Wa.de Basic information

Domain name wa.de

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Hamm, NRW, Sport und Politik – wa.de



Wa.de Alexa Stats  

Global Rank 6,515,012
Links in 0

Wa.de Location Stats

IP Address
Country Germany Germany
Region Hesse
City Eschwege
Longitude 10.0491
Latitude 51.1856

Wa.de Header

  Wa.de DNS Records

  Wa.de SSL Certificate

  Wa.de WHOIS

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Domain: wa.de
Nserver: dns.dns1.de
Nserver: dns.dns2.de
Nserver: dns.dns3.de
Nserver: dns.dns4.de
Status: connect
Changed: 2013-02-19T10:23:56+01:00

  Typos of Wa.de

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